''Breakfast today was leisurely and our departure time was comparatively late, quite a nice change from the days before. After Sam's energetic warm up - including a lizard impersonation - an easy 10km ride through the countryside led into the highlight of the day: a fantastic 20km descent into Welimada.
It was exhilarating, I lost count of the number of tuktuks, buses and motorcycles I overtook. Mike and I overshot a bit at the end and had to walk back up. A special mention to Lisa and Petra who successfully came down the hill after Colin's descent crash course.
After a quick coffee/tea and a nice spring roll we continued towards Ella. Nothing major happened, other than Guy ignoring Colin;s request to descend in single file followed by a close encounter with a big red bus coming round a corner.
Two mentions to finish this entry. One for Suranga, who was on point to safely guide us through the busy towns. And one for David, who made a great collage of portraits. My wife really liked mine!''
Frank Meere - The Openwork Partnership
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